protocol7 archive
25 January 2003

Adobe SVG Viewer 4

Some day ago, Ian Tindale, posted a message about Adobe Imageviewer which actually turned out to be based on a new version of Adobe SVG Viewer. The viewer is bundled with Acrobat Reader and not directly usable as a browser plugin. Adobe’s Jon Ferraiolo confirmed this the same day

Of course, some people started playing with it. From a PDF posted by Dean Jackson we were able to extract an embedded SVG file that gave some clues.

Kevin Lindsey created a minimal PDF that could contain a SVG file and a script for creating it. He also showed that the new ASV now supports cursors (note: the linked PDF files all require Acrobat Reader 5.1 including the ImageViewer to work.

I’ve done some additional experiments:
Cursors can also be animated (note that if you’r on a Mac, this will likely crash your browser): example

And the most exciting news, it supports flowing text: (example). The syntax is not exactly that of the lastest SVG 1.2 draft (region instead of flowRegion), but that’s most likely just a timing issue.

According to Jon it also supports embedded video. In the PDF the Dean posted you can find traces of a video element in Adobe’s extension namespace. I have however failed to get it to work. Any clues would be welcome :-)

If you find out any other differences compared to ASV3, please email me.

tags: SVG