20 April 2003
SVG# 0.3
Today I put together version 0.3 of SharpVectorGraphics (SVG#). It’s up on Sourceforge to download (installer, binary, source). Change log looks like this:
- Test framework (>550 unit tests)
- CSS support (external files, style element, inline style attributes and presentation attributes)
- A new and improved viewer. Hopefully a bit more user-friendly.
- Installer
- Patterns
- Basic support for dynamic updates and events.
- Inheritance (via xlink:href) in gradients and patterns
- Rewrote the renderer architecture to make it easier to renderer parts of the DOM tree and plug-in other renderers
- Highly optimized the path parsing
- Optimized code for matrix handling. We now roll our own code which is faster then the nativ GDI+ code.
- All lists classes now share a common ancestor class for generic list handling. They also come with enumerators which makes them behave much like any other .NET collection.
- Introduced helper classes for ISvgTests, ISvgExternalResourcesRequired, ISvgURIReference, ISvgFitToViewBox
- Better marker support
- “Paths” module fully implemented
- except for normalized paths
- “Basic shapes” module fully implemented
- “Gradients and patterns” module almost fully implemented
- gradientTransform does not work in the GDI renderer
- patternContentUnit does not work in the GDI renderer
- gzip support temporarily disabled
tags: SharpVectorGraphics