protocol7 archive
22 June 2006

Albin does Tuscany

So, our trip to Tuscany went almost as planned. The flight to Rome was very easy with Albin (our 6 month boy) sleeping all the way. While at it, he pretty much sleept all the way on our three hour ride to Sienna.

We then spent a couple of days in Sienna before moving our lazy asses some 10 km north to a small (5 buildings) village with beatiful view over the valley below. Now, with every day, Albin was getting more and more grumpy and on our trip to Florence, he pretty much spent the whole day yelling at us. So, we cut the trip a few days short and went back home on Sunday.

But, even with the shorter trip, the experience was very good. Excellent wine and food (one evening we had the best pasta I’ve ever had) as would be expected and stunning landscapes and historic villages whereever you turned. I sure would expect us to go back within a few years, there’s more pasta to be eaten :-)

tags: Personal