protocol7 archive
19 July 2006

links for 2006-07-19

(tags: wesb wpm was by:andrew_ferrier jms)

A practical introduction to message mediation – Part 1

This article series explains message mediation, one of the new capabilities of IBM® WebSphere® Application Server V6. Part 1 covers the basics of message mediation, including how to develop, deploy, and test a simple mediation.

(tags: was wpm by:dan_murphy site:techjournal websphere)

Top 30 Ruby on Rails Tutorials

(tags: rails Ruby howto)

Taking Governance to the Edge

(tags: soa governance by:philip_boxer by:richard_veryard site:the_architecture_journal to:read)

Flickr Montager

(tags: flickr mashup photos)

Reliability in Connected Systems

(tags: by:roger_wolter site:the_architecture_journal distributed to:read)

Blaze - Incubator Wiki

(tags: amqp blaze apache incubator)

Create Lightweight Spring Plug-Ins—àla Eclipse

(tags: eclipse spring to:read)

tags: Quicklinks