protocol7 archive
4 December 2006

links for 2006-12-04

(tags: jira java software)

YouTube - Tony vs. Paul

(tags: video youtube fight matrix)

REST Security (or lack thereof)

(tags: rest authentication identity security ws-security)

How SSL/TLS is broken, socially

(tags: authentication ssl security encryption by:david_megginson)

RESTful Security

(tags: authentication rest security soapm ssl ws-security by:pete_lacey http)

WebSphere MQ Java and JMS SSL connection pooling builds up

(tags: wmq jms ssl ibm websphere technote)

WS-Notification in WebSphere Application Server Version 6.1

(tags: webservices was ws-notification sib wpm jetstream by:matt_roberts by:ben_bakowski by:chris_whyley site:developerworks)

WebSphere Application Server: Security presentation series

(tags: websphere security howto jaas jce jsse by:keys_botzum wmq jms ssl authentication)

Document Engineering: Analyzing and Designing Documents for Business Informatics and Web Services: Books: Robert J. Glushko,Tim McGrath

(tags: books webservices to:wish)

Java Concurrency in Practice: Books: Brian Goetz,Tim Peierls,Joshua Bloch,Joseph Bowbeer,David Holmes,Doug Lea

(tags: book concurrency java to:wish)

(tags: security openid java license:asl)

tags: Quicklinks