protocol7 archive
23 February 2007

links for 2007-02-23

(tags: ssl apache certificate openssl security httpd howto)

HOWTO: Creating your own CA with OpenSSL

(tags: certificate openssl ssl howto ca security)

Web of Services - Position Paper

“Finally, the W3C should divorce itself from all efforts that further the technological needs of the enterprise at the expense of the world.”

(tags: rest w3c wos_workshop by:pete_lacey webservices)

Re: WebSphere Application Server ( WAS) V5.1 and WMQ V6.0.x - Architecture question

(tags: jms wmq xa was websphere ibm by:t-rob etc)

How transactional J2EE works in IBM Websphere MQ 5.2.1 / 5.3 / 6.0

(tags: wmq jms etc xa ibm websphere)


(tags: maven remote-resource plugin apache apache_release)

tags: Quicklinks