protocol7 archive
3 March 2007

links for 2007-03-03

(tags: performance programming_languages java)

IBM Remote Agent Controller description and answers to common questions

(tags: ibm wmb rac websphere)

Connect WebSphere Service Oriented Middleware to SAP

(tags: redbook sap wmb wmq xi ibm websphere)

Mölnlyckebo skrev vinnarlåt

“Mölnlyckebon och Kenneth & The Knutters-gitarristen Kjell Jennstig vann på lördagskvällen den lettiska melodifestivalen där han skrivit musiken till låten Questa Notte.”

WebSphere MQ with Solaris Zones

(tags: wmq ibm websphere solaris zones by:dale_lane)

Jasypt: Java simplified encryption

(tags: java security encryption cryptography hibernate jce digest license:asl)

MP06: WebSphere MQ with JMS: Get the Best from WMQ and MB Pub/Sub Processing

(tags: wmq jms pubsub ibm websphere supportpac mp06 by:peter_toghill)

Building administrative applications in Eclipse

(tags: eclipse java tutorial)

Six cool things you can build with OpenID

(tags: openid identity authentication by:simon_willison)

:: My Life Organized :: Task Manager

(tags: gtd software lifehacks productivity)

SLAMD Distributed Load Generation Engine

(tags: ldap testing performance slamd sun)


(tags: network performance ftp testing)

tags: Quicklinks